September 10, 2024

How to be an online student

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If you’ve been thinking about studying with K-State Olathe, chances are you have some questions about how you can make the most of your time on campus or online. 

Whether you’re taking a class online or have a hybrid program, learning to navigate the realm of online education can be tricky. 

Here’s what you need to know. 

1. Dive into your books 

You might be surprised with just how much reading online classes require. Depending on whether you’re taking a synchronous, asynchronous or hybrid class, you’ll need to be ready for a large amount of reading. Start by familiarizing yourself with the course syllabus so there are no surprises. Some instructors want you to complete daily readings or discussion board posts as a way for you to engage with both the content and the other learners. 

2. Prepare for each class 

It’s important to show up prepared for any class, but this is even more true when you’re an online student. Before you attend your classes, take the time to review Canvas or any emails from your instructors that will give you notes, assignments or information that will be useful to you during class. 

3. Keep your camera on 

During an in-person class, your professor can use your body language to make sure you’re understanding the material. If your camera is turned off during a virtual class, your professor won’t know if you’re sitting there listening or if you’re having technical issues. Keeping your camera on also gives you more chances to interact with your classmates and professor. 

4. Practice using Zoom and Canvas 

Be sure to practice your Zoom and Canvas skills in advance. You can use the Zoom app on your phone or computer to “host” a call. This will enable you to make sure that your camera and microphone are working prior to class. Be sure to know how to raise your hand in a Zoom call, how to mute and unmute yourself. For Canvas, explore the website and find where your class is. Then be sure to explore until you locate your syllabus and discussion boards. Note that we have an on-site IT team for any additional technical problems you might encounter. 

5. Ask meaningful questions 

Asking questions does more than just let your professor know you read the materials. It also means you’ll have the chance to dig a little deeper into the content and get more feedback from your professor. Prepare to engage and ask meaningful classes before each class by drafting one or two questions you can raise during your meeting. 

6. Take advantage of office hours 

Did you know that even online students have access to office hours? Talk with your professors about what their office hours might look like. In some cases, instructors may have an open Zoom room during specific times where you can drop in and out. This functions as a virtual office and provides you with a chance to get to know your professor. 

Remember: your instructors want you to succeed! Visiting them during their office hours is one of the best ways you can get study tips, develop a stronger understanding of the material and get feedback before you turn in essays or take exams. 

7. Reach out to your cohort 

Did you know that even online students can build meaningful connections with their peers? Reach out to your classmates through Canvas or email so you can start networking with each other. Talking to your cohort also means you’ll have study support throughout the semester. 

If you’re thinking about advancing your academic career at K-State Olathe, congratulations! We can’t wait to have you around campus or online in one of our many animal health, engineering, hospitality management or horticulture classes. Be sure to reach out to our student success coaches to learn more about how you can make your time here as successful as possible. 

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Don’t wait! Reach out to one of our student success coaches today to talk about your options and to learn more about how you can be successful at K-State Olathe. 

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